The Most Profitable Pairs in Forex Trading

The Most Profitable Pairs in Forex Trading - Hello, today I will share with you the pairs in trading that bring the most profits to traders. We know that every pair, whether it's a currency, future (gold), crypto (bitcoin), shares, etc. has different characteristics and movements. Some have high violity, low, long trends, short trends, sideways, etc.

There is probably a typical trader who likes the type of trading that relies on trends. But there are also some who like sideways. However, if we want to have a chance to get big profits in trading, then we should follow the movement of the existing trend.

Many master traders say that to succeed in the trading world, follow the trend. This statement is justified by many professional traders, but there are some traders who do not follow this recommendation. Why do many professional traders say that following the trend is very important? Because, by following the direction of the trend, the likelihood of profit will also be far greater than the trades in the market that are sideways, the pips alias obtained is greater.

Well, related to that, this time I will show some pairs that often have a long trend or a trend that is not broken. By knowing which currencies have a long trend, we can reap huge profits in one open position. Okay, what are the pairs? Check this out!

Gold (XAU / USD)

Gold or commonly abbreviated as MT4, XAU / USD is a Gold pair against the US dollar. Making a trade or investing in Gold / USD is one of the most and very, very profitable pairs. Market movements from Gold are very predictable and if you have experienced a trend, the trend will be very long. It's easy to guess, it's a smooth and regular movement that's Gold. Many beginner traders don't know that trading on Gold is very different from trading on forex (currency pairs).
So it's not surprising if you often hear the term "gold trading". this has become a term that is often heard because trading in Gold can make you get rich quick in a short time. I am not joking or joking with traders because this is my experience after I compared with other pairs. Surely you want a continuous trend right? Well, to get a trend like that, then trade in Gold. If you don't believe, please open the XAU / USD chart then analyze the price movements on h1, h4, d, and month. You will often see a long and unbroken trend movement if you compare it with other pairs.

Pair with ending / JPY

I don't know what makes the JPY currency so special in my eyes. Because every time there is a pair that is juxtaposed with this currency, the market movements also often experience a trend that does not break. For example USD / JPY, EUR / JPY, CHF / JPY, AUD / JPY, core GBP / JPY ending in JPY. If you don't believe, let me invite you again to see the chart. You will see the phenomenon of market movements that are easy to guess because the trend is clear. If it rises, it will continue to rise and vice versa (although there are some slight corrections but not like those in other currencies). Weakness when trading in a market whose trend is broken is when we are experiencing a large profit, suddenly in the time, the protective note will be minus because of unclear market movements which sometimes just reverse the trend. This can disrupt trader psychology if something like this always happens.

Well, that was the type of pair that can bring benefits to those traders who are bored with the name loss. I recommend the pair above because I am also sometimes lazy to see sideways market movements that go up and down at that price alone. So I decided to start trading in Gold and in the end pairs /jpy. Hopefully you too … greetings profit!
