Hidden Facebook Tips and Tricks

Hidden Facebook Tips and Tricks

When paying attention to friends accessing their Facebook account and also talking with several relations about Facebook, the author realized that not many people took the time to find out or even try with Facebook settings as the normal writer did.

Finally, I decided to write the article "Facebook tips and tricks" that I have found so far. Maybe there are some readers who don't know it and can be useful.

Hidden Facebook Tips and Tricks

1. Tips for cleaning up News Feed / News on Facebook

If you are like me, you must hate and hate if the News Feed Facebook is full of all the junk activities of your friends while playing games on Facebook. Understand what that means.

I don't have a bad view of people who play the game, I'm sure they like to play it, but we also don't want our Facebook pages to be filled with game notifications and result in us not being able to see activities or update friends' status amid the mess (garbage) scattered .

The trick is to simply move the mouse cursor on a post on the Facebook site, a Tab will appear in the upper right corner. Click Hide and a selection will appear: (1) Hide post creators or (2) Hide applications. I usually choose to hide the application.

If you change your mind and decide you want to see more posts from the application, just click Edit Options in the lower right corner of the news feed at the most, select the desired application then click Add to News Feed.

2. Tricks Showing Information and Contact Data on certain people on Facebook

When you first create Facebook, you only add your friends and family, so you fill in all personal details on the Info tab (Address, Phone number, Mobile, etc.)

But later you begin to get friend requests from online friends, friends of your friends or even strangers, and then realize that you don't want to display personal contact information to these people.

We can adjust the privacy settings on Facebook for each of your Contact Information. So, not all Facebook friends can see our Personal Info.

How to limit the information that appears on your Facebook account:

  • Open the Chronology profile page, then click the "About" text under the profile photo & Info.
  • After that click the Edit button on the info you want to hide
  • Specify any information that can be seen by selecting the button beside the info (Public, Friend, Only me, or can make an exception with a Special option)
  • Click "Save" to confirm the change.

3. Tricks saw Online on Facebook Chat only for certain friends

There are times when we don't want to be seen online on Facebook only for some Facebook friends, so avoid being sent chat messages by people who are not well known, or don't want to be bothered while busy chatting with close friends or girlfriends.

The following method will keep chat status visible online on Facebook and chat with people we want without the risk of being considered arrogant for not replying to chat from people we don't know.

Tips to make status appear online to the friends we choose on Facebook:

  • Select Account Menu> Edit Friend
  • At the left, select All Connections
  • Then click Create a New List, fill in the name of the list we created and then select the people included in the list. Click the Create List Button.
  • You can also skip the steps to create a friend list and immediately follow the next steps.
  • After the list is complete, click the options button under the chat list (gear icon), select Advanced Settings ... which will make the Advanced Chat Settings option open.
  • Click the radio button that says Turn on chat only for some friends, then type the name or list of friends you want to block.

After applying the above method you will no longer be bothered by people who are not too familiar or will not be known by the boss if you are online on Facebook.

4. Tips to block people on Facebook

There are times when we want to block people from our Facebook for various reasons (enemies, ex-girlfriends, or debt collectors: P).

Inside Facebook, there are features to block people so that we block it will not be able to see our profile, send us messages, add us. The term is that our Facebook account has been swallowed by the earth, from the side of the people we block.

How to block people on Facebook still uses options like point 2 above.

Enter Account> Privacy Settings and select Block List. Enter the name or e-mail address of the poor person then press Block. To delete from the Block list, select delete that is next to the person's name/email.

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