How to make Stone Excelsior type A B C RF Classic

How to make Stone Excelsior type A B C RF Classic --- The Excelsior Stone is a box-type item that is commonly used to make online rf items such as type C weapons, elite force, to make booster like the way here: How to Make Booster 40 50 RF Classic and for other excelsior stone uses.

The type of Excelsior is based on the color of the stone, such as:

1. Black Excelsior is used or used to make or combination of melee type weapons or dark force.
2. Blue Excelsior is used or used to make or combine stick or force wind type weapons.
3. Brown Excelsior is used or used to make or combine ground forces.
4. Green Excelsior is used or used to make or combination of arrow type weapons.
5. Navy Excelsior is used or used to make or a combination of the air force.
6. Olive Excelsior is used or used to make booster combinations or reduce critical enemies.
7. Purple Excelsior is used or used to make or combination of abilities on weapons.
8. Red Excelsior is used or used to make or combine firearms or force fires.
9. White Excelsior is used or used to make or a combination of holy forces.
10. Yellow Excelsior is used or used to make or launcher combinations.

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To make or make a stone Excelsior A, B, C, of ​​course, must have a stone excelsior piece or pieces of excelsior, which is how to get an excelsior piece that can hunt on monsters. In addition, there are materials for making excelsior stones based on types A, B, C as follows:

1. To make a Grade A Excel stone required:
- 10 pieces of excelsior stone or excelsior pieces
- 5 pieces of silver catalyst
- 2 pcs of gold catalyst
- A national currency of 100,000 per one-time [1x] combination.

2. To make Grade B excelsior stones required:
- 15 pieces of excelsior stone or excelsior pieces
- 12 pieces of silver catalyst
- 5 gold catalysts
- A national currency of 100,000 per one-time [1x] combination.

3. To make Grade C excelsior stones required:
- 30 pieces of excelsior stone or excelsior pieces
- 20 pieces of silver catalyst
- 10 gold catalysts
- A national currency of 100,000 per one-time [1x] combination.

How to get Silver Catalyst in RF and Gold Catalyst can be obtained or bought at Sundries NPC in each nation, and when merging or combining excelsior will not necessarily be 100% successful, because it can fail and the item such as excelsior piece/silver catalyst/gold catalyst can be destroyed.

That is the tutorial on how to make excelsior A B C on RF Classic, and materials to make excelsior A, B, and C. Thank you
